Wasting Space

Project information


A whole 10 weeks of development that went into making a game for the Oyfo museum of technology.
Our goal was to raise awareness to the trash we leave behind in space. It was a very big learning opportunity for all of us.
With a large amount of time spent on research and learning new programming techniques, this was probably the project I learned the most from.
Not just programmer techniques but also team building skills.

All in all, I learned that communication is key.

  • Time: 10 weeks
  • Team structure: 2 programmer, 3 designers, 4 artistss
  • Game Engine: Unity Engine
  • Language: C#
  • Roles: Gameplay programmer, Tools programmer


Game Area Editor Tooling

One of the first features that I started to work on was the Unity editor tool that allowed the game designers to customize the spawning areas inside the game. It allowed for custom editor GUI to be shown, depicting what the spawn area looked like. This includes its size and a color code. The Spawn areas themselves allowed for the customization of amount of things to spawn, the ratio of what to spawn, scale modifiers and velocity to add to the spawned areas.

Input systems

Because this project was meant for a big touchscreen type of device, we had to figure out what type of movement to use inside of our game. That is why a multitude of input systems were developed and tested numerous times.